I've always been able to appreciate a good parade. My dad often marched in our local town parade as an elected town official and as a veteran and we always went out to cheer for him, see the marching bands, and wave flags.
In my opinion, the idea of what settles for a good parade was corrupted. Today, in most towns that still host a parade, you'd probably see the crappy 5th grade music class trying to play "Eye Of The Tiger" and marching alongside every little leaguer and kickball team in town. Perhaps dwindling budgets for these types of events, and our acceptance of celebrating mediocrity contributed to this.
Not down here. The local Fourth Of July parade that I took Jack to was awesome. It had three professional marching bands, giant military vehicles, fire trucks, clowns throwing candy to the kids and a local dentist tossing tooth brushes (with his practice's name) right after. The local 4H club riding team was well represented, the Shriners had a banjo and kazoo band, and because the rodeo was in town, there were REAL cowboys (and cowgirls).
Hope you enjoy the photos.