Thursday, September 16, 2010

H-billies go to Chicago

After an apparently exhausting trip to Michigan, Jack slept through a quick sightseeing excursion in Chicago's Grant Park. Here is Jack sleeping in front of the amazing Geary Pavillion

Snoozing in front of the spectacular spouting fountains, next to where he slumbered beneath the sculpture known as The Bean.
A brief nap by the art decco masterpiece Wrigley building on Michigan Avenue was interupted by some big city shopping. No camo, no problem.

Jack also had a great time with family friends the Whal's (Ty, Marie and Juleen) where he hopefully got a few lessons in sharing and taking turns.
So much done is such a short time. New favorite words: acorn, shells, gulls, robot.

Well, that's all for now as we bring a close to the summer season. Fall is right around the corner, and we're sure to keep you updated on the comings and goings and a view of our life in the south. And, as Jacqui likes to say, "fall is all about getting back to basics", so whatever that means, you'll be seeing some of it.

TuTu is Hawaiian for Grandma

After Maine, we spent a few weeks back in Arkansas with the heat (90 days above 90 degrees) and humidity and decided that our trip to Maine went so well, we should spend another week away. This time we headed north to Michigan, to see Jack's other grandmother, Bonnie, who now goes by TuTu (which, I'm told, is Hawaiian for grandmother).

Bonnie lives in picturesque Grand Haven, and her home, which she calls Waikiki East, has a great view of Lake Michigan. Bonnie has an amazing collection of shells and coral (illegal?) from her travels to Hawaii. Jack got to learn a new word "shells" and how some are to be touched, and some not touched (unless TuTu breaks down and says "ok, just once").

Bonnie's friend Jim B. hosted a birthday party for TuTu on his boat with a few of her close friends, and later took us up the Grand River, and for a quick run into Lake Michigan. Jack says "safety first" and sports a great life jacket provided by his uncle Jimmy C.
Jack got to sit on the bridge, blow the horn, and wave to the tourists on the Grand Haven pier.
Da drove the boat, and after being relieved by Captain Jim, had a few relaxation beverages.

TuTu had a very active schedule planned for Jack that included, among other things, a trip to the Myer Sculpture Garden, where Jack ignored the sculptures and gardens and focused on the boats and moats exhibit, and concentrated on pouring water all over himself. No worries, TuTu saw that coming, and brought extra clothes.
Another stop on TuTu Tour 2010 was the John Ball Zoo where Jack learned the difference between the two ends of a goat, how long to chase a chicken, and that a turkey poop takes a while to get off your fingers. The zoo was fun and Jack got to see "gwen-gwins" (penguines) swimming in an underwater tank, and a "robot" (guy in a scuba suit cleaning the tank).