Tuesday, October 2, 2012

August dog days - not much to report

August came and went and the kids are growing and learning (hopefully).  Jillian is learning how to make a sourpus face.

 This is the "wha chu you talkin' 'bout" face

This is what she does when Notre Dame scores

This is what she does when she hears a song on the radio she likes


This is Jack asking if he has to put on pants when it rains.  He makes a good point by noting that the'll only get wet out there.

We told him that when it rains the earthworms come out of their holes and crawl around on the grass.  So, he's out there looking for some.


Jillian is getting taller, as evidenced by this photo which shows her car seat needs an adjustment.  Alhough she's only in the 10th percentile for height, the doc keeps forgetting that she came out of the oven three weeks early.  So, when you look at it that way, she's doing pretty well.

 When she's on her belly she can hold her head up and can roll over.

And she looks good in her skinny jeans

I think this is the mom's group Jacqui almost joined at the botanic garden

We don't have much more to report, but September's post will have more pics of Jillian growing, Jack with pants on, and some photos from the baptism.  Until then, we hope you like these pics and we look forward to sharing our view of life in the south.